Plans and Pricing

R299per month (Excl VAT)
  • 1-2 Employees
  • 14-day Free Trial
  • 100 Free SMSs monthly
  • Free Account Setup and Data Import
  • Free support via LiveChat, Phone, WhatsApp & Email
  • Unlimited Appointments
  • Free Appointment Reminders
  • Online Bookings
  • Credit Card Processing
  • Client Records
  • Inventory Management
  • Powerful Reports
R699per month (Excl VAT)
  • 7+ Employees
  • 14-day Free Trial
  • 350 Free SMSs monthly
  • Free Account Setup and Data Import
  • Free support via LiveChat, Phone, WhatsApp & Email
  • Unlimited Appointments
  • Free Appointment Reminders
  • Online Bookings
  • Credit Card Processing
  • Client Records
  • Inventory Management
  • Powerful Reports

No. There is no setup fee. We only charge a monthly flat-rate fee based on your number of appointment-accepting staff.

No. There is no fee to add the feature for potential clients to check availability and book online via your website. There may be a once-off cost from your website developer to add the feature. The set up is simple and fast and we are happy to discuss the best process directly with your web provider.

All fees for credit card payments are billed by your bank or payment gateway. SalonBridge does not charge any fees for credit card payments.

With each package, you are given free SMSs every month. These are:

  • Basic: 100 free SMSs each month
  • Standard: 250 free SMSs each month
  • Premium: 350 free SMSs each month

If you run low on SMS credits, you can top them up from within the SalonBridge console at a cost of ZAR0.22 (Excl VAT) per SMS.

SMS credits do not expire and roll over if not used.

We provide unlimited support via phone, email, livechat, and WhatsApp during office hours for no cost. We pride ourselves in offering excellent customer support.

Yes you can cancel anytime, without obligation. We don’t tie you into long-term contracts. We are partners while it works for you.